Forbidden City

China, most common name Zhongguo which means central state and the Forbidden City is the center of the world. From the out side, it is certainly a hidden city. The city of walls and orange golden roofs. The city is form as a large rectangular that is separated from the main city by canals and walls. Forbidden … More Forbidden City

798 Art District

 798 district otherwise known as Dashanzi art district is the combination of factories and warehouses structure that are converted into art boutiques,galleries, coffee shops and restaurants. This space have created compelling and edgy contemporary art scenes in Beijing.  I browsed through some shops to look at some cute accessories and art pieces.  After two hours in the district, I … More 798 Art District

Temple of Heaven

Temple of Heaven is located in south of Beijing, Founded in early 15th century.  The overall layout symbolized the relationship between earth (human world) and heaven (Gods). This is the place where Chinese emperors once offer prayers for important ceremonies at the winter soloists. Gate doors and doors overall are magnificent also numbers played the … More Temple of Heaven


Old man playing Chinese Chess, laundry lines, vegetable market, tourist walking lost in the alleys are all characteristic of these narrow pathways. Hutongs, located in very heart of the Beijing are defiantly intitmate residential and commercial area. Our Trishaw driver, took us to the center of these alleys to tour one of the courtyard houses. … More Hutong

Suzhou Museum

Suzhou museum, one of my favorites, designed by Chines born, American Architect I. M. Pei. I was so pleased to see this place specially after seeing some expansive masterplans designed by star-practices that has nothing to do with the surrounding and some other places with poor construction quality. The museum complex is combination of playful interaction … More Suzhou Museum

Terra Cotta Warriors

The Terra-cotta Warriors, under ground army life size hand made soldier that are made out of clay.  The first emperor of China believed that this army would protect him in the afterlife. It was so interesting to see the similarity between different culture about believing the life afterlife. The same example are the Egyptian with … More Terra Cotta Warriors


Pingaya, I have to call it the magnificent walled city, it feels ancient but yet very modern. Tourists every where but yet not so clutter. Just enough amount of people and tradition. I enjoyed walking through the Bazar seeing the traditional face, curved rooftops and all the traditional Chinese souvenir. I love the fact that Cars are … More Pingyao

Yungang Grottoes

The Yungang Grottoes is located on the west side of the city of Datong which is north part of China. There are over 51,000 carvings and Buddha Statues on this site. Most of these outstanding stone carvings are from 5th and 6th century.  Being from Iran, I have seen lot of stone carving that are not … More Yungang Grottoes


The first place we visited in Shanghai was the World Financial Center Observatory. The building was completed in 2008 and it is about 1600 ft tall. Visitors have separate entrance and since you have to have an appointment, the experience is very smooth. The color play a great deal for the visitors experience.  Once we enter, … More Shanghai