

The first place we visited in Shanghai was the World Financial Center Observatory. The building was completed in 2008 and it is about 1600 ft tall. Visitors have separate entrance and since you have to have an appointment, the experience is very smooth. The color play a great deal for the visitors experience.  Once we enter, we walk through the entrance going downstairs through the waiting area. While going down I couldn’t resist noticing the details on railing and stairs and they were undeniably well designed.

Once we get down the only lights coming in is through upstairs window and It was quite dark. The color tone change from my gray toward darker gray.  Once the whole group was there we entered through the narrow dark charcoal pathway that more we go in, more it get dark until it get to pitch black. While you are walking, you are walking toward the unknown destination. There were no sign and we were just following the guide. The path was short but it raise your curiosity. finally we get to the space and wait for the elevator. There is no light only the bright digits on the ceiling which inform you what level is the elevator. This scheme was absolutely amazing and I don’t remember being this excited for the elevator.

The numbers on the ceiling goes lower and lower until it gets to zero then doors open. Once you enter, you are in square elevator. I was surprise why there is no glass or window on any side. The guid push the botton and elevator is all very light white. Then the color on the ceiling change and there is very soothing but exciting music. I found my self looking up which it never happened in elevator before. the color tone changes in a great harmony and the space become less and less colorful and more toward the monochrome colors until it become very light gray, almost white. Then the doors open and everything is all white. As if you are in heaven, you are in another world. I would say from the movies that this might be how you feel when you die. But not dying in a negative way, the entrance to another amazing world. the world with out any limitation.

Financial Tower

Once you enter the 97th floor, you are on the skywalk and it is indeed walking across the sky. It is like a bridge across the sky with glass floor. all those glass cut out have specific view of a landscape. No matter where you look, there is a beautiful view on shanghai in your horizon. I have to say the experience was unbelievable and the only thing missing was a glass of champaign.


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